A.G. Breitenstein

Venture Partner

Previous Experience
  • FOLX Health - Founder & Executive Chair
  • Optum Ventures - Founding Partner
  • Optum Analytics - Chief Product Officer
  • Humedica - Co-founder & Chief Product Officer (exited to Optum)
  • Harvard School of Public Health, MPH; UConn School of Law, JD and Yale University, BA

What does our value "Defining Healthcare" mean to you?

Healthcare touches us all, in the most deeply of personal ways. It defines our birth, our death and shapes core aspects of our wellbeing and happiness.  And yet it is also one of the most complex, expensive and problematic systems in our economy.  Our system is rife with inequity, inefficiency and an essential lack of patient control.

We are also at a unique moment. The technology & data systems we have built have begun to show real effect in changing our expectations, capabilities and most importantly our vision for what healthcare might become.  And so, having worked across nearly every aspect of the healthcare system, as an entrepreneur, a healthcare professional, a technology/product leader and an investor, I am excited and honored by what we can achieve by finding and investing in the future of what this system can become.

What does our value "Defining Partnership" mean to you?

Because healthcare is a complex, deeply interconnected system, it is exceptionally difficult to build disruptive companies.  Investors in this space must support their entrepreneurs with deep network connection and relevant and timely guidance on how to build in this ecosystem.  So for me, partnering with our portfolio companies is about leveraging all of our combined knowledge network to accelerate innovation, scale and success.  At the end of the day, it’s about being able to say we worked shoulder to shoulder pushing innovation and better health forward together.

What does our value "Defining Leadership" mean to you?

Leadership is defined by the combination of vision, deep understanding of the dynamics of healthcare and a first-hand appreciation of what it takes to build a company. As investors, it is incumbent on us to both understand and shape the innovations that will define the next generation of healthcare services and systems.  It’s not enough to pick great companies, we must also serve a greater vision for a better, more effective healthcare system for everyone.